Terms and Conditions
Attenzo.com has developed attenzosms.com e-shop and attenzoSMS application to provide bulk SMS services. By using the attenzosms.com e-shop and/or the attenzoSMS application the users consent with the following terms and conditions. If a user does not agree with these terms and conditions he/she should not use the attenzosms.com e-shop or the attenzoSMS application.
When you visit attenzosms.com, submit orders or send e-mails, you communicate with attenzosms.com by electronic means. Therefore, you accept the right of attenzosms.com to communicate with you in the same way. You agree in advance that this electronic communication and the information carried via it, complies with the current laws and legislations regarding the interaction by such written methods.
All of the content in attenzosms.com like, indicatively but not binding, texts, graphics, trademarks, images (regardless of attributes), digital files and software are of exclusive ownership of attenzosms.com e-shop and are protected by Greek and International copyright related laws and copyright protection acts.
The collection and use of any product catalogue, product and prices description and any indirect use of attenzoSMS application and attenzosms.com e-shop and its contents, for the benefit of another business, commercial or not, without the written permission of Attenzo.com, is prohibited
Attenzo.com provides its clients with a license of limited access and use of attenzosms.com e-shop, for order submission and communication with attenzosms.com. This license does not include resell rights.
attenzosms.com visitors have a limited, recallable and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink of attenzosms.com home page in a webpage of their own, if this hyperlink does not describe attenzoSMS application or attenzosms.com e-shop, its products or its services in a false or misleading manner.
Any unqualified use, terminates the license of access or use that is provided by Attenzo.com.
attenzosms.com e-shop is provided by Attenzo.com "AS IS" and "AS IT IS AVAILABLE". Attenzo.com does not represent or gives authorization of any kind, expressed or implied, for the e-shop operation or the information, content, services, material or products that are included in it. For this reason, the users of the e-shop agree to its usage at their own responsibility.
Attenzo.com has made every possible effort to ensure the smoothest and best possible operation of attenzosms.com e-shop, however Attenzo.com cannot guarantee that the attenzosms.com e-shop, the servers or the e-mails that are sent from attenzosms.com are not infected with viruses or other malignant elements. Attenzo.com does not carry any responsibility for any form of damage that may result from the use of the e-shop, including, but not limited to: direct, indirect, random, coincidental and subsequent.
It is expressly prohibited to perform reverse engineering or attempt to regenerate the source code or the object oriented code, or attempt to extract the source code of attenzoSMS application or any other service or software product available for installation or downloading from attenzosms.com e-shop.
Attenzo.com has made every possible effort to ensure the smoothest and best possible operation of attenzoSMS application and is not responsible for any damage or loss that may arise, especially including loss of profits, positive or consequential damage because of bad or false use of attenzoSMS, as well as unavailability of mobile networks.
Attenzo.com, through attenzoSMS application, has the obligation to deliver the messages (SMS) to the networks of mobile companies and is not responsible for the failure, delivery delay or possible damage of a message. This includes messages to mobile numbers that make use of portability or roaming.
The successful and timely delivery depends on:
-The geographical area in which the user is at and whether this area is covered by the mobile network.
-Whether the mobile phone of the message recipient is activated.
-Whether the weather conditions allow the smooth operation of the mobile networks.
-Whether the networks are overloaded.
Thus, Attenzo.com is not responsible in case of a delayed or failed message delivery.
attenzo.com can not guarantee and is not responsible for the delivery of the messages, since a message is successfully submitted to a gateway. This includes messages to portability or roaming numbers.
Attenzo.com is not responsible for any delivery errors due to any kind of problem that a portable device (such as a mobile phone) may encounter.
Attenzo.com can not guarantee that there will be a reply to a message sent via attenzoSMS or through one of its services.
The sms charges are described in detail in attenzosms.com webpage and can be changed without any warning. The sms charges may be affected by various factors, such as the charges of intermediate gateways. The user can be informed of the final cost of an sms through attenzoSMS application.
The services of attenzoSMS application and attenzosms.com e-shop are provided as are and cannot be exploited, rented or resold without the written permission of Attenzo.com.
The passwords/access codes that are provided by attenzoSMS application and the attenzosms.com e-shop, are destined for strictly personal use and the responsibility for any loss or theft belongs to the user which holds them.
It is presumed that all of the activities that correspond to a username and password have been performed by the user, which has full responsibility of the content and use of the services that he/she uses.
More specifically, the users accept, agree and conclude an agreement to use attenzoSMS application according to the law and in a proper way, and are subjected, among others, to the legislation concerning the transmission of data from Greece to Members of the European Union and to third countries.
In any case of illegal use of attenzoSMS application or use contrary to these Terms and Conditions, users are obliged to refund Attenzo.com for any damage.
No exercise of the rights occurring from the Terms and Conditions of Use, does not imply that Attenzosms.com renounces these rights.
Attenzo.com may ask for user information in order to provide passwords/access codes for logging into the attenzoSMS application or the attenzosms.com e-shop.
The above mentioned information must always be real, accurate, valid and complete.
The users are responsible for any activities that take place under their passwords/access codes and are obliged to immediately notify Attenzo.com in case of unauthorized use of their code and every (even probable) breach of security.
Attenzo.com does not disclose this information to any third parties.
Attenzo.com does not take responsibility for any damage that may occur in case third parties make unauthorized or illegal use of the passwords/access codes, due to leak of the codes or any other reason, and holds the right to request refund from the user, in case of any damage caused due to unauthorized or illegal use of the passwords/access codes.
Attenzo.com reserves the right to deny the provision of a password/access code or to suspend an already provided code or to terminate the service provided to a user and deny any present or future use of attenzoSMS application, in case of violation of the Terms and Conditions of Use.
Attenzo.com holds the right to keep records and process the personal data which the users of attenzosms.com e-shop and attenzoSMS application disclose to Attenzosms.com, like the name, surname, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail and IP address by which the user's computer establishes connection with the e-shop or the application. For more information on the attenzosms.com Privacy Policy please click here.
In order to route the messages and bill for the provided services, Attenzo.com processes the traffic data, like the number, the ip address of the user's connection or terminal equipment, the passwords/access codes, the location related data, the date and time of start and termination of the connection, the duration of communication, the volume of transmitted data, protocol related information, the routing of the service and the network from which the communication comes and goes to.
The users of attenzoSMS application have the right to delete, correct or update their personal data and to suspend their registration at any time.
Attenzo.com tries to be as accurate as possible concerning the features of the products/services that appear in attenzosms.com e-shop. However, Attenzo.com is not responsible in case the features or any other content related to the products or services sold in attenzosms.com is inaccurate, incomplete, not updated or false in any other way.
Users agree not to use attenzosms.com or attenzoSMS application for:
1. sending, publishing, e-mailing, SMS sending or in any other way transmitting content that is - or may be - illegal, damaging, threatening, insulting, slanderous, vulgar, rude, libelous, constituting violation of privacy of a third party, showing prejudice or demonstrating sex, ethnic or other kind of discrimination,
2. harming of minors in any way,
3. sending, publishing, e-mailing, SMS sending or in any other way transmitting content for which there is not and/or has not been submitted or assigned right of transfer, according to the laws or the conventional or administrative relationships (such as internal information, ownership and confidential information that was gained or revealed as part of industrial relationship or confidentiality agreements)
4. sending, publishing, e-mailing, SMS sending or in any other way transmitting content which violates any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or any other ownership right of third parties.
5. sending, publishing, e-mailing, SMS sending or in any other way transmitting of any material that contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs that have been designed to terminate, damage, destruct or the equip the operation of any computer software or hardware,
6. misleading of third parties regarding the sender's real identity or the source from which the messages (SMS) are sent
7. wanted or unwanted violation of current laws and legislations,
8. harassment of third parties in any way,
9. collection or saving of personal data regarding other users.
10. sending, posting, sending by SMS, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting to recipients who have not given or have canceled their approval to receive the relevant messages.
Attenzo.com respects the privacy of personal data of attenzosms.com e-shop visitors and attenzoSMS application users and has created a special section entitled "Privacy Policy" where there is a list of the rights and responsibilities of the visitors, regarding the personal data that they disclose in attenzosms.com e-shop and attenzoSMS application. To read this text, please click here.
For sending Viber messages, the same terms as SMS sending apply. In addition, users accept the terms of use of the VIber company, which you can read here.
Sending e-mails is subject to the same terms as sending SMS.
attenzosms.com e-shop visitors and attenzoSMS application users automatically agree that these Terms and Conditions are subjected to Greek laws regarding any dispute that may arise between the users and the attenzosms.com e-shop, thus also between the users and Attenzo.com.
For any dispute regarding the use of attenzoSMS application, attenzosms.com e-shop and the products or services sold there, there will be an effort to resolve it out of court. In case there is no solution by this effort, all disputes and related matters shall be brought in the jurisdiction of the qualified courts.
Attenzo.com reserves the right to make any modifications in the attenzosms.com e-shop, its commercial policy and the Terms of Use at any time it finds it necessary
CONTACT attenzosms.com
For any information regarding attenzosms.com e-shop or attenzoSMS application, the users may refer to the phone number: +30 210 6133329 or e-mail: info@attenzosms.com